How fidget toys are helping us Move the Middle

Fidget toys helping students concentrate

It's a motto we say almost every day in our United Way office: a small change makes a big difference. A representation of that are the "toys" that we put in the hands of middle schoolers at Lincoln Middle School.

There's a misconception that children who fidget or doodle in class, particularly those with ADHD, are not paying attention. In reality, it's the act of engaging in that separate movement that allows their minds to be still and focus. Our Achievement Advocates recognized that with students at Lincoln, so we bought them toys, fidget toys to be exact, which are designed to help students pay attention.

"This is something that is specific to students, to keep in their lap or at their desk, and they use these tools as a way to concentrate," explains Achievement Advocate Britney Lindgren. "A lot of these students get easily distracted — there are other things happening in the classroom, other kids talking — and these help them concentrate on one thing, which helps focus their minds on their tasks."

With something as small as giving fidget toys to middle schoolers who struggle to pay attention, we are dramatically improving their classroom experience and ability to follow along in class.

Listen to Britney explain more about how fidget toys are benefiting students at Lincoln.